Monday, March 16, 2009

Cell Universe close ups

I love the view of these cells when up close. These elements are meant to be looked up really close and in detail, that's why I love the idea of having glass above them to further enhance that feeling...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Patrizia, hope you are well. Sorry to contact you this way, but I got inspired!
    This is Travis Cohn, who you met at Rock Paper Scissors, and who is organizing that bike tire art show I mentioned. Am collecting websites to show the work of prospective artists for the show to Board of the organization. Wow, this one is really exciting to me, and some other 'cellularly' themed ones also. hmmmm.... I really like the idea of showing this work with glass in front of it!

    The trick for the show is to find good matches for the tire frame format..The idea of your cell work with in the membrane of a tire frame sure suits me! The way you describe it, I can also see such a piece with in the petri dish of a tire, if you have any interest in making such a piece for the show...

    I will have to see what the rest of the board thinks, my nerdy fascination might not pass muster, as our bottom line is selling the art to raise money for the Institute's work. However, I think there is really some striking potential here....We'll be in touch...
