Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This is my last piece. It was meant to be completely different, I made circle after circle of detailed work, like a scientist in a laboratory...but just couldn't get myself to wrap the idea...
So, I ended up just focusing on one of my elements...one circle, one Cell...one organism...
I started to add some textile dimension to the piece, by stitching on it, crocheting and adding more layers to it...
I finished the piece by inserting it in a box frame and working on the actual frame to create a sense of depth and an illusion of movement...my two eternal obsessions...
I decided to call it...Epidermis...it reminds me of some of the "tissues" I used to observe under a microscope when I was studying dentistry, back in the day...they all had this pinkish shade and looked incredibly intricate and detailed...nothing particular sticks out except for that.
This is the first piece of a series so I will call it: Epidermis I...
So...here it is...

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